We have four activities for young people: Sunday school, Children’s meeting, Truth Seekers and the Bible Class. Sunday School is held on Sunday at 2.30pm from September to June. It’s for children from the age of three up to mid-teens. The Sunday school is organised into groups based on age and the focus is onContinue reading “What happens at: Young people’s meetings?”
Category Archives: Meetings
What happens at: The prayer meeting?
The weekly prayer meeting is held all year round. At the start of the meeting we sing a hymn and then some specific items for prayer are mentioned. For this meeting the chairs are arranged like the Bible reading in a rectangle. We also believe that the Bible teaches that the men of the assemblyContinue reading “What happens at: The prayer meeting?”
What happens at: The Bible reading
The Bible, and particularly the New Testament, is the basis for all we do as Christians. We put a high value on Bible study and teaching and this is what our one hour ‘Bible reading’ is about. Usually we study a book of the Bible. We start at the beginning and work through it overContinue reading “What happens at: The Bible reading”
What happens at: The Gospel meeting
The gospel meeting is arranged to give people who are not believers an opportunity to come and hear the gospel message. This meeting lasts approximately one hour. We sing a number of hymns and pray at the beginning. Usually two speakers will present the gospel message based on various readings from the Bible. The messageContinue reading “What happens at: The Gospel meeting”
What happens at: The breaking of bread
The breaking of bread is a time for remembering the Lord Jesus. It goes back to the night before His crucifixion when He shared bread and a cup of wine with His disciples. These were to be reminders of His death and He asked His disciples to do this in remembrance of Him. We meetContinue reading “What happens at: The breaking of bread”